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The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫与Vincenzo Dascanio以独特的装置艺术来庆祝春天的苏醒
4月3日 - 6月11日

在空灵的装置艺术和装饰的结合中,The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫与世界著名的活动设计师Vincenzo Dascanio继先前的合作后再次联手,以“Awakening(苏醒)主题活动迎接春天:本季的独家活动致力于庆祝心灵和身体的再生。

活动持续到6月11日 ,点缀着花卉创作的装饰与多感官装置相结合,到访的客人成为独特体验的绝对主角,一个梦幻般的内省之旅就这样开始了。其中,原创的Sleeper Lift(唤醒沉睡者)和Sounds Like Spring(春之声):这两个以屏幕、镜子和绿色装饰组成的沉浸式房间再现了大地从四季复始的解冻到开花的蜕变所激发的图像和声音。

活动的焦点之一是对自我的关注,Workout Of The Day(今日健身)是一个特别成立的健身区域,让客人在充满活力的氛围中唤醒心灵和肌肉;还有Energy Box(能量箱),一个优雅的休息区,在这里您可以在工作站和心仪的音乐播放列表之间沉浸于自己的爱好中,休息片刻。

千万不要错过在The Mall Sanremo圣雷莫亲身体验春之精华的机会

The special workshops of The Mall Sanremo

08/04/23 3PM-6PM
Easter table decor
Create the perfect Easter table with the guidance of a professional flower stylist.

12/04/23 3PM-5PM
Easter kids workshop
The event includes an Easter egg hunting, a bubble show and an interactive workshop with music and buffet.

15/04/23 3PM-6PM
Create your own fragrance
Create your unique and personal fragrance.

22/04/2023 – 23/04/2023 3PM-6PM
Image consultation and make-up
Enjoy a private color analysis session as well as have the opportunity to have your make-up done by a make-up artist.

29/04/2023 – 30/04/2023 3PM-6PM
Live painting performance
An artist will perform by painting little pieces of art with flower subjects.

07/05/23 2PM-7PM
Create your flower hairband
Create your unique flower hairband.

13/05/2023 – 14/05/2023 3PM-6PM
Image consultation and make-up
Enjoy a private color analysis session as well as have the opportunity to have your make-up done by a make-up artist.

20/05/2023 – 21/05/2023 3PM-6PM
Live Painting performance
An artist will perform by painting little pieces of art with flower subjects.

27/05/2023 – 28/05/2023 3:30PM-6:30PM
Create your flower bouquet
Create the perfect flower bouquet in the City of Flowers with a professional flower stylist.

Save the date and fully immerse yourself in the shades of spring, reserve your favorite workshops by sending an e-mail to sanremo@themall.it
